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MMS Physical Oceanography of Slope and Rise (POSAR) Workshop Results


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On September 12-14, 2000, the Minerals Management Servicern(MMS) sponsored the Physical Oceanography of the Slopernand Rise (POSAR) Workshop. Its objective was to refine thernexperimental design of a study of currents in the deepwaterrn(200-3,000 m) of the Central and Western Gulf of Mexico.rnThe workshop generated wide interest with about 90rnparticipants from academia, industry, and state and Federalrnagencies. Seven invited speakers set the tone of the workshop,rnfollowed by three breakout sessions addressing manyrnoceanographic processes operating in deepwater, newrnobservational technologies, and data needs. Workshoprnparticipants recommended four exploratory studies that arernwell focused and require reasonable funding. These studiesrnshould help the experimental design of POSAR by addressingrninformation needs on topographic Rossby waves (TRWs),rnabyssal currents, Lagrangian observation of eddies, andrnclimatology of currents over the slope and rise. Anotherrnrecommendation was the continuation of currentrnmeasurements by MMS south of the Mississippi Delta.rnFinally, MMS expects to complete a Request for Proposals inrnmid-2001 to address its deepwater physical oceanographicrninformation needs.
机译:2000年9月12日至14日,矿产管理局(MMS)赞助了Slopernand Rise物理海洋学(POSAR)研讨会。其目的是完善对墨西哥中部和西部海湾深水区(200-3,000 m)的水流研究的实验设计。该研讨会引起了学术界,工业界,州和联邦政府的约90名参与者的广泛兴趣。七位受邀演讲者为讲习班定下了基调,随后是三场分组讨论会,讨论了深海中的许多海洋学,新的观测技术和数据需求。研讨会的参与者推荐了四项重点关注并需要合理资金的探索性研究。这些研究应通过解决地形上的罗斯比波(TRW)的信息需求,纳比海流,涡旋的拉格朗日观测以及坡度和上升线上的电流气候学,为POSAR的实验设计提供帮助。 MMS的另一项建议是继续在密西西比三角洲南部进行当前的测量。最后,MMS希望在2001年中完成一项提案申请,以解决其深水物理海洋学信息需求。



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