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A New Principal Formula for the Determination of Explosive Strength in Combination with the Rock Mass Strength


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The goal has been to develop a simple international acceptable technical formula that can be standardized by explosive manufacturers and customers and that can be used for the determination of explosive strength regarding its fragmentation capability. A literature review showed that the first well accepted technical formula used to determine the strength of an explosive was developed by the Swede Ulf Langefors in the 1940' s and that this formula could be regarded as a paradigm shift at the time when it was developed. The formula includes two explosive properties; heat of explosion and the gas volume produced per kg of explosive. The formula was mainly developed for dynamite explosives but can not be used for ANFO and emulsion explosives. Therefore, in this paper, it is proposed a new formula for international standardization including, besides the two men-' tioned parameters, also the detonation velocity, density of explosive, density of rock and P-waoe velocity in rock. Also rock structure, confinement and initiation pattern and delay times affects the fragmentation considerably. Both explosives manufacturers and customers will benefit from this kind of development An analysis of the variation range of the individual parameters in the new developed formula are shown in the paper. For the validation of the developed formula the single hole blasting method (SHB-method) is recommended to be used, because laboratory-or half scale fragmentation test cannot give the full answer of explosive strength.
机译:目的是开发一种简单的国际上可接受的技术公式,该公式可由炸药制造商和客户进行标准化,并可以用于确定炸药强度的碎裂能力。文献综述表明,用于确定炸药强度的第一个公认的技术公式是由瑞典人Ulf Langefors在1940年代开发的,该公式在开发之时就可以视为范式转换。该配方包括两个爆炸特性。爆炸热和每千克爆炸物产生的瓦斯量。该配方主要用于炸药炸药,但不能用于ANFO和乳化炸药。因此,本文提出了一种国际标准化的新公式,除了上述两个参数外,还包括起爆速度,炸药密度,岩石密度和岩石中的P-waoe速度。岩石的结构,限制和起爆模式以及延迟时间也会显着影响破碎。炸药制造商和客户都将从这种开发中受益。本文显示了对新开发的公式中各个参数的变化范围的分析。为了验证所开发的配方,建议使用单孔爆破方法(SHB方法),因为实验室或半规模碎裂测试无法充分说明爆炸强度。



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