首页> 外文会议>Networking Architecture and Storage, 2007 International Conference on; Guilin,China >Mining Moving Patterns Based on Frequent Patterns Growth in Sensor Networks

Mining Moving Patterns Based on Frequent Patterns Growth in Sensor Networks


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A novel algorithm named FP-mine (FP: Frequent Pattern) is proposed in this paper to mine frequent moving patterns with two dimensional attributes including locations and time in sensor networks. FP- mine is based on a novel data structure named P-tree and an algorithm of frequent pattern growth named FP-growth. The P-tree can efficiently store large numbers of original moving patterns compactly. The algorithm FP-growth adopts an idea of pattern growth and a method of conditional search, recursively fetches frequent prefix patterns from the conditional pattern bases directly, and joins the suffix to make a pattern grow. Simulation results show FP-mine can efficiently discover frequent moving patterns with two dimensional attributes in sensor networks and decreases its time and space complexity simultaneously.
机译:本文提出了一种新颖的算法FP-mine(FP:频繁模式),以挖掘具有二维属性的频繁移动模式,包括传感器网络中的位置和时间。 FP-mine基于名为P-tree的新型数据结构和名为FP-growth的频繁模式增长算法。 P树可以有效地紧凑地存储大量原始运动模式。 FP-growth算法采用模式增长的思想和条件搜索的方法,直接从条件模式库中递归获取频繁的前缀模式,并加入后缀以使模式增长。仿真结果表明,FP-mine能够有效地发现传感器网络中具有二维属性的频繁移动模式,并同时降低了时间和空间复杂度。



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