首页> 外文会议>NATO advanced research workshop on regional aspects of climate-terrestrial-hydrologic interactions in Eastern Europe; 20080823-28; Odessa(UA) >Comprehensive Assessment of Negative Factors Affecting the Black Sea Shallow Water in the Danube Area

Comprehensive Assessment of Negative Factors Affecting the Black Sea Shallow Water in the Danube Area


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Major factors that have negative influence on the coast ecosystem of the Black Sea are assessed in this paper. Anthropogenic eutrophication caused by additional input of nutrients via the river runoff and (mostly via the Danube runoff) has been the main problem for the ecosystem during the last 30 years. Climate changes in Europe in the 2000s became an additional source of negative impact upon the shelf ecosystem. Both these factors are now changing the hydrophysical conditions of the Northwestern part of the Black Sea. In addition to these factors, we observe now a direct human impact upon the shelf ecosystem by construction of deep shipping routes in the Danube Delta towards the Black Sea. In the paper, variants of these routes in the Ukrainian part of the Delta are assessed as well as the consequences of their construction.
机译:本文评估了对黑海沿岸生态系统产生负面影响的主要因素。在过去30年中,通过河流径流和(主要是多瑙河径流)额外输入养分造成的人为富营养化已成为生态系统的主要问题。 2000年代欧洲的气候变化已成为对大陆架生态系统产生负面影响的另一个原因。这两个因素现在都在改变黑海西北部的水物理条件。除了这些因素之外,我们现在还通过在多瑙河三角洲建立通向黑海的深水运输路线,观察到人类对货架生态系统的直接影响。在本文中,评估了三角洲乌克兰部分中这些路线的变体以及其建造的后果。



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