
Soil Moisture Changes in Non-boreal European Russia: In Situ Data


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Soil moisture observations in the USSR began the middle of 1950s. At the peak of the network extent (in the middle of 1980s) more than 2,000 stations performed these observations operated over Russia. Since that time the number of stations in this network was significantly reduced, especially at soil plots with natural vegetation. Therefore, in this study soil moisture changes over the non-boreal European Russia during 1970-2000 (2001) are presented using the data of only 52 long-term stations. It is concluded that: (1) Soil moisture changes within the upper 0-10 and 0-20 cm have no systematic component. Only when the thicker layers (starting with the upper 50 cm) are used, systematic changes (trends) can be found. That is why soil moisture of the upper 20 cm layer cannot be considered as characteristic of a moistening regime of the active soil layer. (2) Over most of non-boreal European Russia, soil moisture increase is observed for layers 0-50 and 0-100 cm both in spring and during the summer (i.e., during the entire growing period). Moreover, trends in soil moisture for the upper meter of soil (layer 0-100 cm) are more apparent when compared to those in layer 0-50 cm. (3) Only in the zone of mixed and broad-leaved forest areas are decreasing levels of soil moisture observed during the entire growing period.
机译:苏联对土壤湿度的观测始于1950年代中期。在网络范围的高峰期(1980年代中期),有2000多个观测站在俄罗斯进行了观测。从那时起,该网络中的站点数量大大减少,尤其是在具有天然植被的土壤地块上。因此,在这项研究中,仅使用52个长期观测站的数据就1970-2000年(2001年)非北方欧洲俄罗斯的土壤湿度变化进行了介绍。结论是:(1)0-10 cm和0-20 cm上部的土壤水分变化没有系统性的成分。仅当使用较厚的层(从上部50 cm开始)时,才能发现系统的变化(趋势)。因此,不能将上部20 cm层的土壤水分视为活性土壤层的润湿状态的特征。 (2)在大多数非北方的欧洲俄罗斯,春季和夏季(即整个生长期间)的0-50和0-100 cm层土壤水分均增加。此外,与0-50厘米土壤层相比,较高土壤层(0-100厘米)的土壤水分趋势更加明显。 (3)仅在混交林和阔叶林地区,在整个生长期观察到的土壤水分水平下降。



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