首页> 外文会议>NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Management Tools for Port Security, Critical Infrastructure and Sustainability; 200603; Venice(IT) >ENVIRONMENTAL SECURITY IN URBAN AREAS: HEALTH-RELEVANT VOC EXPOSURE IN THE GREATER CAIRO AREA, EGYPT



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Air pollution of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) is a potential mediator of adverse health effects. VOCs are emitted mainly from industrial complexes, such as port facilities and refineries, any sort of traffic, and also in closed rooms during redecoration and other behavior-linked activities, such as smoking and cooking, from building materials and furniture. Assessing and managing the health risk in terms of VOCs, the spatiotemporal variation of VOC concentrations has to be taken into account. The paper presents an analysis of the spatial and temporal variation of VOCs in Cairo, Egypt, and, secondly, an approach to the temporal variation of VOCs in closed rooms in Leipzig, Germany. During a period of one month we exposed passive samplers at measuring sites that were selected randomly and that are representative of the surrounding area.Cairo is one of the most traffic-polluted cities of the world and VOCs were observed at 10 sites. Comparing the concentrations with Leipzig, we found differences in aromatics, in particular in benzene pollution. Interestingly, though outdoor concentrations are up to six times higher in Cairo than in Leipzig, indoor concentrations are generally high and at similar levels in both cities. The latter, however, differ in composition of organic compounds. In both cities, the group of aromatic hydrocarbons constitutes the principal part with more than 56%. Their main sources are traffic emissions. The indoor VOC concentrations are in Cairo 1.5 times higher than in outdoor air. In Leipzig the indoor VOC load is 6 times as high as outdoors and follows a seasonal cycle. For both cities, the composition of indoor air in apartments contrasts with the composition of outdoor air in the content of alkanes, terpenes, and aromatics. For the greater Cairo area we found that indoor air pollution exceeds outdoor pollution, in particular for alkanes. Sites characterized by high traffic have higher benzene concentrations compared to low-traffic regions. The annual cycle for total VOC concentrations observed in Leipzig proved to be the most dominant pattern. The highest concentrations occurred during the winter months and amount to approximately three to four times the summer burden. As seasonality is very important for risk management, we fit a model to the observed concentrations and develop a procedure for seasonal adjustment, which enables estimation of the annual peak concentration utilizing an observation taken in an arbitrary month.
机译:挥发性有机化合物(VOC)的空气污染是有害健康影响的潜在媒介。 VOC的排放主要来自工业综合设施,例如港口设施和精炼厂,任何类型的交通,以及装修过程中封闭空间内的排放以及建筑材料和家具等其他与行为相关的活动,例如吸烟和烹饪。根据VOC评估和管理健康风险,必须考虑VOC浓度的时空变化。本文对埃及开罗的挥发性有机化合物的时空变化进行了分析,其次,对德国莱比锡封闭房间中挥发性有机化合物的时空变化进行了分析。在一个月的时间里,我们将无源采样器暴露在随机选择的,代表周边地区的测量地点上。开罗是世界上交通污染最严重的城市之一,在10个地点观察到VOCs。将浓度与莱比锡进行比较,我们发现芳烃的差异,尤其是苯污染方面的差异。有趣的是,尽管开罗的室外浓度比莱比锡高六倍,但室内的浓度通常很高,在两个城市中都相似。但是,后者的有机化合物组成不同。在两个城市中,芳烃类占主要部分,占56%以上。它们的主要来源是交通排放。开罗的室内挥发性有机化合物浓度比室外空气高1.5倍。在莱比锡,室内VOC负荷是室外的6倍,并且遵循季节性周期。对于这两个城市,公寓中的室内空气成分与室外空气成分的烷烃,萜烯和芳烃的含量形成对比。对于开罗更大的地区,我们发现室内空气污染超过室外污染,尤其是烷烃。与交通拥挤的地区相比,交通拥挤的地区苯浓度更高。在莱比锡观察到的总VOC浓度的年度周期被证明是最主要的模式。最高浓度发生在冬季,大约是夏季负担的三到四倍。由于季节性对于风险管理非常重要,因此我们针对观察到的浓度拟合模型,并开发出季节性调整程序,从而可以利用任意月份的观察值估算年度峰值浓度。



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