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On January 1, 1842, the three Philadelphia County Commissioners celebrated a grand opening of their new suspension bridge over the Schuylkill River just outside city limits at Fairmount. The toll-free two-lane highway crossing was the first of its kind in North America. Philadelphians celebrate the first day of each year, Mummers Day, as a traditional major holiday, which may have added some sort of festive air to the event, although the suspension bridge preceded the now-famous parades by several decades. Fairmount Suspension Bridge was one of the most significant bridges ever built in the USA for several reasons. It was a public structure, as opposed to a private enterprise, and therefore it occupied an important place in our civil engineering history among the forerunners of thousands of state and county highway structures all over the continent. It was built using innovative design theory and construction techniques taught at the world's foremost engineering school in an era when academic bridge building concepts were almost unknown in this country. Most importantly, it was a great success, stimulating dozens of other designers and builders, with the result that wire cable suspension bridges became the norm, chain cable suspension bridges soon were phased out, and design leadership in long span bridges was passed from Europe to America. (Figures 1 & 2) Ironically, despite the great political and engineering significance of the 1842 Fairmount Suspension Bridge, and its 33-year record of reliable service, no marker of any kind identifies the location at this time. The purpose of this essay is to illuminate the obscure history of this remarkable structure, traditionally known to Philadelphians as The Wire Bridge, correcting a few distortions and misunderstandings that have crept into the historical record during the 20th century.
机译:1842年1月1日,三名费城县委员庆祝了新的悬索桥在费尔芒特市郊外的Schuylkill河上的盛大开幕。这种免费的两车道高速公路过境点是北美首创。费城人将每年的第一天,即穆默斯日(Mummers Day)作为传统的重大节日来庆祝,尽管悬索桥比现在著名的游行晚了几十年,但可能为活动增加了一些节日气氛。费尔蒙特悬索桥是美国有史以来建造的最重要的桥梁之一,其原因有很多。它是一种公共结构,而不是私人企业,因此,在我们的土木工程历史中,它在整个非洲成千上万个州和县级公路结构的先行者中占有重要地位。在这个国家几乎不了解学术桥梁建筑概念的时代,它是使用创新的设计理论和建筑技术在世界上最重要的工程学校教授的,来建造的。最重要的是,它取得了巨大的成功,激发了数十名其他设计师和建筑商,其结果是电缆悬索桥成为规范,链式电缆悬索桥很快被淘汰,大跨径桥梁的设计领导地位从欧洲转移到了欧洲。美国。 (图1和2)具有讽刺意味的是,尽管1842年Fairmount悬索桥具有重大的政治和工程意义,并且其33年的可靠服务记录,但目前尚无任何标记物可以标识该位置。本文的目的是阐明这种不起眼的结构的晦涩历史,费城人通常将其称为“铁索桥”,纠正了20世纪以来已载入历史记录的一些歪曲和误解。



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