首页> 外文会议>National History and Heritage Congress; 20041020-23; Baltimore,MD(US) >Baltimore and the Maryland Cross-Cut Canal: 1820-1851

Baltimore and the Maryland Cross-Cut Canal: 1820-1851


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At the beginning of the nineteenth century, the merchants of Baltimore were wealthy - a wealth built on the export of flour, primarily to the West Indies and South America. At the time, Baltimore was the world's leading exporter of flour. This flour came down the Susquehanna River to Baltimore. If the trade of Baltimore was to grow and increase, then Baltimore merchants would have to gain access to the agricultural riches of the Potomac valley and the Ohio Territories beyond. In the technology of the day, this meant the construction of a canal between Baltimore and the Potomac River - later to be called the Maryland Cross-Cut canal. This canal would connect to the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal, then being contemplated from Washington, D.C. to the Ohio Valley, at some point above Washington, Between 1820 and 1851, no fewer than ten separate engineering and other feasibility studies were undertaken by some of the leading civil engineers of the day on this canal. Despite this effort, no route was found that proved practical except along the Anacostia River. This route, if it had been built, would have channeled the trade of the west to Baltimore's competitors along the Potomac River - Georgetown, Alexandria and Washington City. In finding no feasible direct connections between Baltimore and the Potomac valley, the engineers studying the Maryland Cross-Cut Canal never investigated innovative approaches, such as the use of inclined planes as was being used on the Morris Canal in New Jersey. With reluctance, the merchants of Baltimore turned away from the idea of a canal to an even more innovative approach, the railroad. This led to the development of the United States' first long distance railroad, the Baltimore and Ohio (B & O). But the idea of a cross-cut canal died hard. Long after the B & O was operational, more studies were undertaken for a canal connection between Baltimore and the west. The Maryland Cross-Cut canal became the most studied canal never to be constructed in the U.S.
机译:十九世纪初,巴尔的摩的商人很富裕-以面粉出口为基础的财富,主要出口到西印度群岛和南美。当时,巴尔的摩是世界领先的面粉出口国。这种面粉顺着萨斯奎哈纳河(Susquehanna River)流向巴尔的摩。如果巴尔的摩的贸易要增长和增加,那么巴尔的摩的商人将不得不获得波托马克谷地和俄亥俄州以外的农业资源。在当今的技术中,这意味着在巴尔的摩和波托马克河之间建造一条运河-后来被称为马里兰州横切运河。这条运河将连接切萨皮克河和俄亥俄运河,然后从华盛顿特区到俄亥俄河谷,在华盛顿上方的某个地点,在1820年至1851年之间,至少有十项独立的工程和其他可行性研究由一些这条运河上的当今领先的土木工程师。尽管进行了这些努力,但除了沿Anacostia河外,没有发现任何可行的路线。如果建成,这条路线将把西方的贸易引向波托马克河沿岸的巴尔的摩的竞争对手-乔治敦,亚历山大和华盛顿市。在发现巴尔的摩与波托马克河谷之间没有可行的直接联系时,研究马里兰州横切运河的工程师从未研究过创新的方法,例如在新泽西州的莫里斯运河上使用的倾斜平面。巴尔的摩的商人不情愿地从运河的想法转向了更具创新性的方法-铁路。这导致了美国第一条长途铁路巴尔的摩和俄亥俄州(B&O)的发展。但是横切运河的想法死了。 B&O投入运营很久之后,对巴尔的摩与西部之间的运河连接进行了更多研究。马里兰州的Cross-Cut运河成为美国从未研究过的,受研究最多的运河



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