首页> 外文会议>Nanomaterials by severe plastic deformation >Development of SPD Technologies and Establishment of a Production Line for Rod-Shaped Semiproducts out of Nanostructured Titanium for Medical Application

Development of SPD Technologies and Establishment of a Production Line for Rod-Shaped Semiproducts out of Nanostructured Titanium for Medical Application


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The paper reports on the investigation results for the criteria required for estimation of the SPD technologies. It has been demonstrated that one of the important criteria is specific surface area of the deformation zone, which enables considering the scale factor during processing and predicting the properties of the processed semi-products and items. Practical use of the results of conducted studies is demonstrated on the example of establishment of a production line for high-strength nanostructured semi-products from CP Ti for medical application.
机译:该文件报告了有关SPD技术估算所需标准的调查结果。已经证明,重要的标准之一是变形区的比表面积,其能够在加工过程中考虑比例因子并预测加工的半成品和物品的性能。建立一条用于医疗用途的CP Ti高强度纳米结构半成品生产线的示例证明了所进行研究结果的实际应用。



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