首页> 外文会议>Nano Science and Technology Institute(NSTI) Nanotechnology Conference and Trade Show(NSTI Nanotech 2007) vol.2; 20070520-24; Santa Clara,CA(US) >DNA Recognition Using Metal Fluorescence Interactions on Two-Dimensionally Assembled Gold Nanoparticles

DNA Recognition Using Metal Fluorescence Interactions on Two-Dimensionally Assembled Gold Nanoparticles


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We developed a novel DNA detection system using a probe DNA with a fluorophore immobilized on two-dimensionally assembled gold nanoparticles. This system enables quantitative and selective detection of DNAs without a labeling process. In the absence of a target DNA, fluorescence from cyanine dyes labeled at the distal end of the probe is quenched via energy transfer to the nanoparticles on which the dye moiety is adsorbed. However, once a complementary target DNA is hybridized with the probe, rigidity of the double stranded DNAs allows the dyes to desorb from the particles, and fluorescence is enhanced by the strong local electromagnetic field in the vicinity of the gold nanoparticles. The relative increase in fluorescence intensity after hybridization was maximized on gold nanoparticles of 10 nm where both quenching and enhancement factors were optimal.
机译:我们开发了一种新型的DNA检测系统,该系统使用了带有荧光团的探针DNA固定在二维组装的金纳米颗粒上。该系统无需标记过程即可定量和选择性地检测DNA。在不存在目标DNA的情况下,来自探针末端标记的花青染料的荧光通过能量转移淬灭至吸附有染料部分的纳米粒子而猝灭。但是,一旦互补的目标DNA与探针杂交,双链DNA的刚度就会使染料从颗粒上解吸,并且金纳米颗粒附近的强局部电磁场会增强荧光。杂交后荧光强度的相对增加在10 nm的金纳米颗粒上达到最大,其中淬灭和增强因子均最佳。



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