
An IoT Based Robotic System for Irrigation Notifier




The farmer in developing countries are mostly uneducated and untrained. They need to monitor the soil conditions on a regular basis. It is important that the systems should be automatic, reliable and low-cost. Keeping that in mind, a robotic system has been implemented which senses temperature, humidity, soil moisture and raindrops. It is a land analyzer robot that is able to collect important data about the soil and transmit them to the farmer via IoT based network and stores the data. The system also analyzes the data for future decisions which may help cultivate better crops. It is an automatic multitasking robot which will monitor the land for taking necessary step on time. The robotic vehicle monitors the land time to time and monitors the data simultaneously after a fixed interval of time. Farmers can easily know if irrigation is needed. The specialty of this robotic system is that it can monitor any land as the sensors will be implemented inside the robot. So, there is no need to implant multiple sensors in the soil bed. The goal is to bring an automatic multitasking robot that saves time and energy of farmers and gives needed suggestions needed for the land.



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