首页> 外文会议>International Computer Conference, Computer Society of Iran >Automated Iris Segmentation and Robust Features Extraction Based on Parallel SURF Feature Model

Automated Iris Segmentation and Robust Features Extraction Based on Parallel SURF Feature Model




Iris Recognition stands out as one of the most accurate biometric methods in use today. However, the iris segmentation and recognition algorithms are currently implemented on general purpose sequential processing systems, such as generic central processing units (CPUs). In this paper, we have proposed a new method for automatic IRIS segmentation in order to humans identification applications using the graphics processing unit (GPU). The parallel Hough transform has been used to detect the border between iris and pupil. The coordinate and radius of pupil has been used to detect the border between iris and sclera. Moreover, after omitting eyelashes based on the proposed algorithm, a degree two parabolic crossing from eyelid points is used to define eyelid edges. Finally, the GPU based parallel SURF features extracting algorithm is used to extract robust features of iris area. The propose method has been evaluated on CASIA iris dataset and the results show more than 97% True Detection Rate.
机译:虹膜识别亮起今天使用中最准确的生物识别方法之一。然而,目前在通用顺序处理系统上实现虹膜分割和识别算法,例如通用中央处理单元(CPU)。在本文中,我们已经提出了一种新的自动虹膜分割方法,以便使用图形处理单元(GPU)的人类识别应用。并行霍夫变换已被用来检测虹膜和瞳孔之间的边界。瞳孔的坐标和半径已被用来检测虹膜和巩膜之间的边界。此外,在基于所提出的算法省略睫毛之后,使用来自眼睑点的两次抛物线交叉来限定眼睑边缘。最后,基于GPU的并行冲浪功能提取算法用于提取虹膜区域的鲁棒特征。提出的方法已经在CASIA IRIS数据集上进行了评估,结果显示出超过97%的真实检测率。



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