首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Ubiquitous Information Management and Communication >Ensemble based Cost-Sensitive Feature Selection for Consolidated Knowledge Base Creation

Ensemble based Cost-Sensitive Feature Selection for Consolidated Knowledge Base Creation

机译:基于合并的Compy-Colyivitive Feature选择,可用于统一知识库创建



This is paper proposes a knowledge construction system. The key objective of the system is to extract knowledge from structured data which is generally available in the form of electronic medical records (EMR). In this regard, the main focus of the research is to design and develop a domain-independent system that is capable of assisting the domain expert(s) in gaining non-trivial insights from the underlying EMR data. It is important to note that most of the research in the domain of cost-sensitive feature selection relies on black-box models which only provide a prediction of a final class label. Whereas, the goal of this research is to acquire insights for domain experts such as chronic kidney disease classification. This goal is achieved by designing and developing a knowledge construction system that is based on a two-stage methodology. Stage one deals with identifying salient cost-sensitive features in the EMR data, whereas, stage-two deals with consolidating knowledge (i.e. in the form of production rules) from a set of interpretable machine learning models. Finally, in order to demonstrate the efficacy of the system a chronic kidney disease case study is adopted.
机译:这是论文提出了知识施工系统。该系统的关键目标是从结构化数据中提取知识,该数据通常以电子医疗记录(EMR)的形式提供。在这方面,研究的主要重点是设计和开发一个独立的系统,该系统能够协助域专家从底层EMR数据获得非琐碎的见解。值得注意的是,大多数在成本敏感特征选择领域的研究都依赖于只提供最终类标签的预测。然而,本研究的目标是为慢性肾病分类等领域专家获得洞察力。这一目标是通过设计和开发基于两阶段方法的知识建设系统来实现。第一阶段涉及识别EMR数据中的突出成本敏感特征,而来自一组可解释的机器学习模型,阶段 - 两阶段处理综合知识(即以生产规则的形式)。最后,为了证明系统的功效,采用了慢性肾病案例研究。



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