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In search of the optimum test set - adaptive test methods for maximum defect coverage and lowest test cost

机译:寻找最佳测试集 - 用于最大缺陷覆盖率和最低测试成本的自适应测试方法



Maintaining product quality at reasonable test cost in very deep sub-micron process has become a major challenge especially due to multiple manufacturing locations with varying defect and parametric distributions. Increasing vector counts and binary search routines are now necessary for subtle defect screening. In addition, parametric tests and at-spec testing is still often necessary to ensure customer quality. Systematic defects are becoming more common and threaten to dominate the yield Pareto. Adaptive test methods are introduced in This work that demonstrate the capability of increasing or decreasing the test coverage based on the predicted or measured defect and parametric behavior of the silicon being tested. Results promise an increase in product quality at the same time a reduction in test costs.
机译:在非常深的亚微米过程中以合理的测试成本维持产品质量已成为主要挑战,特别是由于具有不同缺陷和参数分布的多个制造位置。 现在需要增加向量计数和二进制搜索例程进行细微缺陷筛选所必需的。 此外,参数测试和规范测试仍然是为了确保客户质量。 系统缺陷变得越来越普遍,威胁到支配产量帕累托。 在该工作中介绍了自适应测试方法,其证明了基于所预测的或测量的缺陷和所测试的硅的参数行为来增加或减少测试覆盖的能力。 结果承诺同时增加产品质量的试验成本降低。



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