
Validation of Virtual Reality Cognitive Assessment for Pilots Across the Lifespan




This research reports on the acceptance and responses to a Virtual Reality (VR) cognitive health screening tool for younger and older pilots. Currently, there are few cognitive assessments that examine the cognitive health of pilots across the lifespan. The cognitive assessments tools for pilots that do exist index a variety of domain-independent functions which do not translate to real-world risks during flights. Furthermore, domain-independent functions such as processing speed, are negatively affected by age thereby making these tools potentially biased against older pilots. CANFLY, a 3-Dimensional (3D) virtual reality simulator, addresses the need for a domain-specific cognitive assessment tool which assesses cognitive functions that pertain to real-world flight such as situation awareness and prospective memory. While CANFLY addresses the problem of validity and generalization to real-world risk, it is also important to ensure that older pilots do not experience the systematic bias that can occur with the use of domain-independent cognitive assessment tools. Some possible age-related issues that could potentially arise with VR cognitive assessment tools include unexpected negative effects (such as simulator sickness or discomfort), or a general lack of acceptance of 3D flight simulation devices amongst older pilots. To examine age effects in VR flight, forty-seven pilots (four females), between the ages of 17 and 71, flew two sessions, the first in a standard full-scale simulator and the second in a VR flight simulator. The tasks in the VR flight were designed as the cognitive health screening tool and indexed key domain-dependent cognitive factors such as situation awareness and prospective memory. After the two sessions, the pilots were also asked to describe their experience with the 3D VR simulator compared to the standard flight simulator. Thus, the present study examined whether or not simulation environment and pilot age had an effect on flight performance. Interactions between the pilot age and effect of the simulation environment were also investigated. Age was also explored as a factor in the acceptance of the VR flight environment and the presence of cybersickness after the VR flight. The results showed that older pilots performed worse for a number of flight tasks, but that there was no interaction effect between age and flight simulation environment on situation awareness and prospective memory. There was a preference for the VR simulation over the full-scale simulator, and this was seen in both age groups. No effect of age was found for the cybersickness measures, although there was a small trend for pilots of all ages to experience slightly increased symptoms associated with queasiness after the VR flight. Findings from the present research show that older pilots are not likely to experience bias from the VR technology or cybersick-ness symptoms in a VR cognitive health screening tool. Results support the use of VR as a useful platform for evaluating domain-dependent cognition for pilots across the lifespan.
机译:本研究报告了对年轻和旧飞行员的虚拟现实(VR)认知健康筛查工具的接受和响应。目前,很少有认知评估,以研究飞行员对寿命的认知健康。确认评估为确实存在索引各种独立函数的飞行员的工具,这些函数不会转化为在航班期间的现实风险。此外,诸如处理速度的域的独立功能,受年龄的负面影响,从而使这些工具可能偏向较旧的飞行员。 Canfly,一个三维(3D)虚拟现实模拟器,满足了对特定于域的认知评估工具的需求,该工具评估了与现实世界飞行有关的认知功能,例如情况意识和潜在记忆。虽然Canfly解决了现实世界风险的有效性和泛化问题,但对于使用域独立的认知评估工具,确保更旧的飞行员不遇到系统偏差也是重要的。可以使用VR认知评估工具出现的一些可能发生的年龄相关的问题包括意外的负面影响(例如模拟器疾病或不适),或者在较旧的飞行员中普遍缺乏接受3D飞行模拟设备。为了在VR飞行中审查年龄效应,47岁的飞行员(四名女性)在17岁和71岁之间飞行两次会议,首先在标准的全尺度模拟器中,第二个在VR飞行模拟器中的第二个。 VR飞行中的任务被设计为认知健康筛选工具和索引关键域依赖性认知因素,如情况识别和预期记忆。在两次会议之后,还要求飞行员与标准飞行模拟器相比,将其与3D VR模拟器的经验描述。因此,本研究审查了模拟环境和试点年龄是否对飞行性能产生影响。还研究了试验年龄与模拟环境的效果之间的相互作用。年龄也被探索为接受VR飞行环境的一个因素以及VR飞行后的Cyber​​ickness的存在。结果表明,年龄较大的飞行员对于许多飞行任务更糟糕,但由于年龄和飞行模拟环境之间没有关于情况的互动效应,即情况意识和潜在记忆。在全尺寸模拟器上偏好VR模拟,这在两个年龄组中都看到了这一点。对于Cyber​​ickness措施没有发现年龄的影响,尽管所有年龄段的飞行员都有一小趋势,但在VR飞行之后略微增加了与不安的症状。目前研究结果表明,在VR认知健康筛查工具中,较旧的飞行员在VR技术或Cyber​​sick-Ness症状中不太可能遇到偏见。结果支持VR作为评估寿命跨越飞行员的域依赖性认知的有用平台。



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