
EigenCFA: Accelerating Flow Analysis with GPUs




We describe, implement and benchmark EigenCFA, an algorithm for accelerating higher-order control-flow analysis (specifically, OCFA) with a GPU. Ultimately, our program transformations, reductions and optimizations achieve a factor of 72 speedup over an optimized CPU implementation. We began our investigation with the view that GPUs accelerate high-arithmetic, data-parallel computations with a poor tolerance for branching. Taking (hat perspective to its limit, we reduced Shiv-ers's abstract-interpretive OCFA to an algorithm synthesized from linear-algebra operations. Central to this reduction were "abstract" Church encodings, and encodings of the syntax tree and abstract domains as vectors and matrices. A straightforward (dense-matrix) implementation of EigenCFA performed slower than a fast CPU implementation. Ultimately, sparse-matrix data structures and operations turned out to be the critical accelerants. Because control-flow graphs are sparse in practice (up to 96% empty), our control-flow matrices are also sparse, giving the sparse matrix operations an overwhelming space and speed advantage. We also achieved speedups by carefully permitting data races. The monotonicity of OCFA makes it sound to perform analysis operations in parallel, possibly using stale or even partially-updated data.
机译:我们描述,实现和基准eigencfa,一种用于加速高阶控制流分析(具体地,OCFA)的算法。最终,我们的程序转换,减少和优化在优化的CPU实现中实现了72倍的加速。我们开始调查,即GPU加速高算术,数据并行计算,具有差的分支的差。拍摄(帽子视角到其限制,我们将SHIV-ERS的抽象解释性OCFA减少到从线性代数操作合成的算法。该减少的核心是“抽象的”教会编码,以及语法树和抽象域作为向量的编码矩阵。EIGENCFA的简单(致密矩阵)实施慢于快速CPU实现。最终,稀疏矩阵数据结构和操作结果是关键速度。因为控制流程图在实践中稀疏(最多96 %空的),我们的控制流矩阵也稀疏,给出了稀疏的矩阵操作,这是一个压倒性的空间和速度优势。我们还通过仔细允许数据种族来实现了加速。OCFA的单调性使其能够并行地执行分析操作。使用陈旧甚至部分更新的数据。



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