
Deep Adversarial Subspace Clustering




Most existing subspace clustering methods hinge on self-expression of handcrafted representations and are unaware of potential clustering errors. Thus they perform unsatisfactorily on real data with complex underlying subspaces. To solve this issue, we propose a novel deep adversarial subspace clustering (DASC) model, which learns more favorable sample representations by deep learning for sub-space clustering, and more importantly introduces adversarial learning to supervise sample representation learning and subspace clustering. Specifically, DASC consists of a subspace clustering generator and a quality-verifying discriminator, which learn against each other. The generator produces subspace estimation and sample clustering. The discriminator evaluates current clustering performance by inspecting whether the re-sampled data from estimated sub-spaces have consistent subspace properties, and supervises the generator to progressively improve subspace clustering. Experimental results on the handwritten recognition, face and object clustering tasks demonstrate the advantages of DASC over shallow and few deep subspace clustering models. Moreover, to our best knowledge, this is the first successful application of GAN-alike model for unsupervised subspace clustering, which also paves the way for deep learning to solve other unsupervised learning problems.



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