首页> 外文会议>Workshop on events and stories in news >Cross-Document Narrative Alignment of Environmental News: A Posi- tion Paper on the Challenge of Using Event Chains to Proxy Narrative Features

Cross-Document Narrative Alignment of Environmental News: A Posi- tion Paper on the Challenge of Using Event Chains to Proxy Narrative Features




Cross-document event chain co-referencing in corpora of news articles would achieve increased precision and generalizability from a method that consistently recognizes narrative, discursive, and phenomenological features such as tense, mood, tone, canonicity and breach, person, her-meneutic composability, speed, and time. Current models that capture primarily linguistic data such as entities, times, and relations or causal relationships may only incidentally capture narrative framing features of events. That limits efforts at narrative and event chain segmentation, among other predicate tasks for narrative search and narrative-based reasoning. It further limits research on audience engagement with journalism about complex subjects. This position paper explores the above proposition with respect to narrative theory and ongoing research on segmenting event chains into narrative units. Our own work in progress approaches this task using event segmentation, word embeddings, and variable length pattern matching in a corpus of 2,000 articles describing environmental events. Our position is that narrative features may or may not be implicitly captured by current methods explicitly focused on events as linguistic phenomena, that they are not explicitly captured, and that further research is required.
机译:新闻文章的Corama中的交叉文件事件链共同参考将从一致识别叙事,话语和现象学特征等方法实现提高的精度和普遍性,如紧张,情绪,音调,突破性和违规,人,她的肢解性可容易性,速度和时间。目前模型主要捕获实体,时间和关系或因果关系的主要语言数据可以仅偶然地捕获事件的叙事框架特征。这限制了叙述和事件链分割的努力,以及其他谓词任务,以获得叙事搜索和基于叙事的推理。它进一步限制了对关于复杂科目的新闻学习的研究。该职位文件探讨了上述关于叙事理论和对叙事单位分割事件链的持续研究的主张。我们正在进行的工作,使用事件分段,Word Embeddings和可变长度模式匹配在描述环境事件的2,000篇文章的语料库中匹配此任务。我们的立场是,目前的方法可能无法隐含地捕获叙事特征,或者可能不会被明确关注的事件作为语言现象,即他们未明确捕获,并且需要进一步研究。



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