
Hybrid MPI: Efficient message passing for multi-core systems

机译:Hybrid MPI:用于多核系统的高效消息



Multi-core shared memory architectures are ubiquitous in both High-Performance Computing (HPC) and commodity systems because they provide an excellent trade-off between performance and programmability. MPI's abstraction of explicit communication across distributed memory is very popular for programming scientific applications. Unfortunately, OS-level process separations force MPI to perform unnecessary copying of messages within shared memory nodes. This paper presents a novel approach that transparently shares memory across MPI processes executing on the same node, allowing them to communicate like threaded applications. While prior work explored thread-based MPI libraries, we demonstrate that this approach is impractical and performs poorly in practice. We instead propose a novel process-based approach that enables shared memory communication and integrates with existing MPI libraries and applications without modifications. Our protocols for shared memory message passing exhibit better performance and reduced cache footprint. Communication speedups of more than 26% are demonstrated for two applications.
机译:多核共享内存架构在高性能计算(HPC)和商品系统中都是普遍的,因为它们在性能和可编程性之间提供了出色的权衡。 MPI在分布式内存中的显式通信的抽象非常流行用于编程科学应用。不幸的是,OS级进程分离力量MPI在共享内存节点中执行不必要的邮件复制。本文介绍了一种新的方法,透明地分享在同一节点上执行的MPI进程中的存储器,允许它们像线程应用程序一样通信。虽然事先工作探索了基于线程的MPI库,但我们证明这种方法在实践中是不切实际的并且表现不佳。我们提出了一种基于新的基于过程的方法,其能够与现有MPI库和应用程序集成,而无需修改。我们的共享内存消息传递的协议呈现出更好的性能和减少缓存占用空间。两种应用都证明了超过26%的通信加速。



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