
Formal model for generating railway interlocking software based on a modularized track model




This paper discusses the possibility to create railway interlocking software in an automated process. The classic approaches are interlocking tables or relay modules. In the case of using interlocking tables, they form the core of the signal box. This means ideally that two signal boxes differ only by their interlocking tables. The major disadvantage of interlocking tables is the massive manual work to create and verify them. The paper will first define its own railway regulations which are a subset of the German train regulations. It will then formally design a model for a blank signal box. The next step is the customization of the empty signal box. This will be done by a graphical track editor which enables a user to enter a track layout and creates the interlocking table from the topology.
机译:本文讨论了在自动化过程中创建铁路互锁软件的可能性。 经典方法是互锁表或继电器模块。 在使用互锁表的情况下,它们形成了信号盒的核心。 这意味着理想情况下,两个信号框仅不同于其互锁表。 互锁表的主要缺点是创建和验证它们的大规模手工工作。 本文首先将定义自己的铁路规定,这是德国火车规定的一部分。 然后它将正式设计一个空白信号框的模型。 下一步是空信箱的自定义。 这将由图形轨道编辑器完成,该编辑器使用户能够输入跟踪布局并从拓扑中创建互锁表。



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