首页> 外文会议>Meeting of the Electrochemical Society;International Meeting on Chemical Sensors >(Energy Technology Division Research Award Address) Electrochemical CO_2 Reduction: Path Towards a Carbon Neutral Chemical Industry?

(Energy Technology Division Research Award Address) Electrochemical CO_2 Reduction: Path Towards a Carbon Neutral Chemical Industry?




The chemical and fuel industry today relies on fossil fuels as its major feedstock and applies a variety of energy-intense thermal/catalytic processes to convert this feed into different intermediates or bulk chemicals and fuels. Many of these processes are responsible for a sizeable fraction of the anthropogenic CO_2 emissions that are contributing to global warming and associated issues such as climate change, rising sea levels, and more erratic weather patterns. In contrast, the use of CO_2 as the feedstock for the production of bulk chemicals such as CO, ethylene, and ethanol via electrochemical CO_2 reduction not only utilizes some of the CO_2 that otherwise would be emitted in the atmosphere, it also avoids the sizeable CO_2 emissions associated with many of the aforementioned energy-intense processes that use fossil fuels as the feed.
机译:今天的化学和燃料工业依赖于化石燃料作为其主要原料,适用各种能量激烈的热/催化方法,将这种进料转化为不同的中间体或散装化学品和燃料。 许多这些过程负责大部分的人为CO_2排放,这是有助于全球变暖和相关问题,如气候变化,海平面上升和更不稳定的天气模式。 相反,通过电化学CO_2减少使用CO_2作为生产散装化学物质的原料,例如CO,乙烯和乙醇,不仅利用了一些CO_2,否则将在大气中发射,它还避免了尺寸的CO_2 与使用化石燃料作为饲料的许多上述能量强化过程相关的排放。



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