首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Mental Health and Humanities Education >An Analysis of the Viewing Demand of Chinese Audience from the Narrative Strategy: Take the Well-Received Television Series in China from 2015 to 2018 as an Example

An Analysis of the Viewing Demand of Chinese Audience from the Narrative Strategy: Take the Well-Received Television Series in China from 2015 to 2018 as an Example




Although with over billions of people China has a huge TV series market, there are only few TV series currently that can leave a good impression on the audience. The scarcity of quality and the mediocrity of quality have become common problems in the moment. In this context, the narrative strategy with strong practical significance becomes a popular research object. This paper analyzed the narrative strategies of three television dramas with high reputation in China between 2015 to 2018 through a detailed content analysis and found that the successful TV series have some features in common and these features may contribute to the high score of these TV series.
机译:虽然有数十亿人拥有巨大的电视剧市场,但目前只有很少的电视剧可以留下良好的观众。 稀缺质量和质量的平庸已经成为常见问题。 在这种情况下,具有强大实际意义的叙事战略成为流行的研究对象。 本文通过详细的内容分析分析了中国三次电视剧,在2015年至2018年度享有盛誉的叙事策略,发现成功的电视剧有一些共同的功能,这些功能可能有助于这些电视系列的高分。



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