
Technologies of Predictive Diagnostic Condition Monitoring in Yeongheung Power plant




Since we have built a Predictive Monitoring & Diagnostic(PMD) center and adopted a new predictive maintenance system, we increased synergistic effect of the three major systems. Although we have been thoroughly implementing periodic planned preventive maintenance and preventive inspections, the predictive maintenance system helped us to find minimal changes in the process in advance, and has contributed to reducing losses due to unplanned equipment failures. From October 2014 to March 2017, threes solutions found 144 abnormal events, and we was able to see a savings of approximately $6 million for our operational and maintenance costs. We wish to share and spread the experience in Yeongheung Thermal Power Plant widely and to help the cost saving in the same industry of world by efficient use of the integrated predictive diagnosis monitoring system.
机译:由于我们建立了预测监测和诊断(PMD)中心并采用了新的预测性维护系统,因此我们提高了三个主要系统的协同效应。 虽然我们已经彻底实施了定期计划的预防性维护和预防性检查,但预测性维护系统有助于我们提前找到最小的过程变化,并有助于降低由于计划失败导致的损失。 从2014年10月到2017年3月,ThreS解决方案发现了144个异常事件,我们能够看到我们的运营和维护成本的储蓄约为600万美元。 我们希望通过综合预测诊断监测系统利用综合预测性诊断监测系统,利用云海热电厂分享和传播云旺火电厂的经验。


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