
The Narrow Line Region in 3D: mapping AGN feeding and feedback




Early studies of nearby Seyfert galaxies have led to the picture that the Narrow Line Region is a cone-shaped region of gas ionized by radiation from a nuclear source collimated by a dusty torus, where the gas is in outflow. In this contribution, I discuss a 3D view of the NLR obtained via Integral Field Spectroscopy, showing that: (1) although the region of highest emission is elongated (and in some cases cone-shaped), there is also lower level emission beyond the "ionization cone", indicating that the AGN radiation leaks through the torus; (2) besides outflows, the gas kinematics include also rotation in the galaxy plane and inflows; (3) in many cases the outflows are compact and restricted to the inner few 100pc; we argue that these may be early stages of an outflow that will evolve to an open-ended, cone-like one. Inflows are observed in ionized gas in LINERs, and in warm molecular gas in more luminous AGN, being usually found on hundred of pc scales. Mass outflow rates in ionized gas are of the order of a few M_⊙ yr~(-1), while the mass inflow rates are of the order of tenths of M_⊙ yr~(-1). Mass inflow rates in warm molecular gas are ≈ 4-5 orders of magnitude lower, but these inflows seem to be only tracers of more massive inflows in cold molecular gas that should be observable at mm wavelengths.
机译:附近的Seyfert星系的早期研究导致了窄线区域是通过由尘埃圆环准直的核源的辐射电离的窄线区域是电离的锥形气体区域,其中气体在流出中。在这一贡献中,我讨论了通过整体场光谱获得的NLR的3D视图,显示:(1)尽管最高排放区域是伸长的(并且在某些情况下锥形),但超出了超出水平的发射“电离锥”,表明AGN辐射通过环节泄漏; (2)除了外流外,气体运动学还包括在星系平面和流入中旋转; (3)在许多情况下,外流紧凑,限制在少数100pc;我们认为这些可能是流过流的早期阶段,它将发展到一个开放式锥形锥形之一。在衬里的电离气体中观察到流入,并且在更明亮的AGN中的温暖分子气体中,通常在一百个PC尺度上找到。电离气体中的质量流出速率为几个M_⊙YR〜(-1),而质量流入速率为M_⊙YR〜(-1)的十分之一。温暖分子气体的质量流入速率在4-5级下降,但这些流入似乎只是在毫米波长的冷分子气体中更大量流入的示踪剂。



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