首页> 外文会议>Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Russia Power Tech >Development of the Bulgarian Power Sector at the conditions of a functioning regional electricity market

Development of the Bulgarian Power Sector at the conditions of a functioning regional electricity market




This paper summarizes some results from a study, which was made in the framework of the project "Least Cost Plan for Bulgarian Power Sector Development till 2020", developed in 2004 by the specialists of the National Electricity Company (NEK). It is made by the following assumptions: (1) The energy policy of the country is pursuant to the national targets of economic growth and establishment of conditions for the country's integration into the European structures. (2) The Energy Strategy accepted by the Government in 2002 and approved by the Parliament points out, as top priority of the energy policy, achievement of energy supply security through development of a competitive energy market and compliance with environmental protection standards. (3) Energy supply security is a problem faced by Bulgaria as well as by EU member countries and can be solved through utilization of the domestic potential. In Bulgaria it is lignite, development of nuclear energy and utilization of renewable energy sources (RES). Each of these sources has its place in the structure of the country's energy balance. (4) The development of nuclear energy and thermal power plants on domestic coal guarantees the electricity production at competitive and predictable prices compared to the prices of the imported fossil fuels - oil and natural gas. (5) The development of renewable energy sources in Bulgaria is supported by the prevailing legislation and the utilization of that domestic energy potential will go on. (6) Establishment of a regional power market is a serious step towards full integration of the national systems into the Pan-European energy system. If Bulgaria could rehabilitate its existing thermal power plants within a short term, and performs its investment program for the power sector in a medium term, it will win very good positions in the regional power market. The price of produced electricity in the country will be competitive to the prices in the neighbour countries.
机译:本文总结了一项研究的一些结果,该研究是在2004年国家电力公司(NEK)的专家2004年开发的“保加利亚电力部门发展至2020年最低成本开发成本开发成本开发成本开发成本开发成本计划”的框架中。它是由以下假设作出的:(1)该国的能源政策是根据国家经济增长目标和建立该国融入欧洲结构的条件。 (2)2002年政府接受的能源战略,并经议会批准,作为能源政策的首要任务,通过开发竞争力的能源市场和遵守环保标准来实现能源供应安全性。 (3)能源供应安全是保加利亚以及欧盟成员国面临的问题,可以通过利用国内潜力来解决。在保加利亚,它是褐煤,发展核能和可再生能源的利用(RES)。这些来源中的每一个都在国家的能量平衡的结构中。 (4)核能和热电厂对国内煤炭的发展保证,与进口化石燃料的价格 - 石油和天然气的价格相比,以竞争力和可预测的价格提供电力生产。 (5)保加利亚可再生能源的发展得到了现行立法的支持,利用国内能源潜力将继续下去。 (6)建立区域电力市场是将国家系统完全融入泛欧能源体系的严重一步。如果保加利亚可以在短期内恢复现有的热电厂,并在中期为电力部门执行其投资计划,它将在区域电力市场赢得非常好的职位。该国生产电力的价格将对邻国的价格具有竞争力。



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