首页> 外文会议>International scientific and practical conference «New Polymer Composite Materials» >Determination of the Composition of Substances Migrating from Plugs Based on Bromo-Butyl Rubber into Infusion and Injection Preparations

Determination of the Composition of Substances Migrating from Plugs Based on Bromo-Butyl Rubber into Infusion and Injection Preparations

机译:基于溴 - 丁基橡胶迁移到输注和注射制剂中从塞中迁移的物质组合物的测定



The results of experimental studies of the composition of individual substances migrating from medical rubber plugs produced both in Russia and abroad based on technical bromobutyl rubber are presented. The quantitative content of volatile organic compounds related to species impurities of gasoline was determined by gas chromatography from a standard glass bottle sealed with a sterile stopper based on bromobutyl rubber. The method of atomic emission spectroscopy was used to determine (indirect) the presence of organometallic, organosulfur and metal-inorganic compounds that did not pass through chromatographic columns, and the presence of organometallic, organosulfur and metal-inorganic compounds was determined by the content of metal and non-metal cations. The results of mass spectral studies of extracts of aqueous extracts from plugs based on bromobutyl rubber showed that they contain impurities of bromo-alkanes and bromo-arenes, which are direct-acting carcinogens.
机译:提出了基于技术溴丁基橡胶在俄罗斯和国外生产的药物橡胶塞的单个物质组成的实验研究结果。 通过基于溴丁基橡胶的无菌止动件密封的标准玻璃瓶,通过气相色谱法测定与汽油物种杂质有关的挥发性有机化合物的定量含量。 原子发射光谱法用于确定(间接)有机金属,有机硫磺和金属 - 无机化合物的存在,所述金属 - 无机化合物未通过色谱柱,并且通过含量确定有机金属,有机硫磺和金属 - 无机化合物的存在 金属和非金属阳离子。 基于溴丁基橡胶的塞子水提取物质谱研究结果表明,它们含有溴 - 烷烃和溴 - 芳烃的杂质,其是直接作用的致动致动致动致作用致作用。



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