首页> 外文会议>International Scientific-Technical Conference "Dynamics of Technical Systems" >Study of the influence of the basic spectra of discrete light sources on the seeds of greenhouse cultures

Study of the influence of the basic spectra of discrete light sources on the seeds of greenhouse cultures




This article refers to studies conducted on the seeds of vegetable and green crops with low useful mass,which require light stimulation at all periods of development.Research was conducted using RGBW LEDs.There is a large number of scientific studies proving the effectiveness of the technology of photostimulation of seeds and seedlings of various crops.However,there is no consensus on what the positive effect of the variable light field on a biological object is based.This is due to the complexity of the process of photosynthesis,where the productivity of photosynthesis is considered as an integral response to the influence of external conditions.The study of the influence of various light modes on plants is necessary to search for performance criteria.The found efficiency criteria will provide an opportunity to systematize the many well-known results of the impact of variable light conditions on plants in order to identify plants as a biological object by optical properties,as well as to use to standardize technological lighting in greenhouse production.
机译:本文涉及对蔬菜种子和绿色作物种子进行的研究,其中有低于有用的物质,这在所有发展时期需要光刺激。使用RGBW LED进行研究。探索了大量科学研究证明了该技术的有效性刺激各种作物种子和幼苗的刺激。无论何种,都没有关于生物对象上的可变光场的积极效果是基于的。这是由于光合作用过程的复杂性,光合作用的生产率被认为是对外部条件影响的积分反应。对植物各种光途模式对植物的影响的研究是寻找绩效标准的必要条件。发现的效率标准将提供系统化众多知名结果的机会可变光条件对植物的影响,以便通过光学性能识别植物作为生物物体的植物,以及用来规范温室生产技术照明。



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