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Measuring Human Rights Legal Resilience in the Context of Ethnic Anti-Discrimination: Study of Universalism or Cultural Relativism?




The enforcement of human rights norms in Indonesia is a form of legal transplantation, even though human rights are universal. Legal transplantation is partly caused by globalization, which breaks down the boundaries of the nation-state, thus integrating the law in a network of global value systems and causing various consequences, especially on the national law or local law. Human rights are one of the complex fields that are brought along in the current of globalization. Human rights offer a new approach to the national laws of various countries, especially those that ratify international agreements. One of them is transplantation of the human rights law of anti-discrimination, which is done voluntarily by the ratification of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination. The ratification was followed by the harmonization of human rights law against ethnic discrimination that provided domestic legal protection both through Article 281 paragraph (2) of The Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia of 1945 and Law Number 40 of 2008 concerning the Elimination of Racial and Ethnic Discrimination. However, the existence of global legal values can challenge the dominance of local values, so that the potential to marginalize or even replace. In the social and cultural context, they have the potential to trigger tension between indigenous (local) people and citizens of the nation who are considered migrants. Although the tension is not always in the form of physical conflict, for example in Yogyakarta, Chinese ethnic dissatisfaction arises over the enactment of the Instruction of the Governor of the Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY) No. K/898/A/1975 on Uniforming Policy on Granting Rights to Land to a Non-Indigenous Indonesian Citizen. This paper aims to discuss the legal resilience of the results of transplants related to ethnic anti-discrimination human rights. Specifically, it explains whether the legislation of transplant results has succeeded in adapting to the conditions under which human rights are enforced, including when faced with cultural relativism.
机译:即使人权是普遍的,也是一种法律移植的人权规范的执行。法律移植部分由全球化造成的,这违反了国家国家的界限,从而将法律整合在全球价值系统网络中,并造成各种后果,特别是对国家法律或当地法律。人权是全球化当前所带来的复杂领域之一。人权为各国国家法律提供了一种新的方法,特别是那些批准国际协定的方法。其中一个是移植的反歧视人权法,通过批准消除所有形式的种族歧视国际公约,自愿自愿进行。批准后,遵守人权法对民族歧视第281款(2)条提供了1945年度1945年度的宪法第281款和2008年第40号关于消除种族和民族的第281款提供的国内法律保护歧视。然而,全球法律价值观的存在可以挑战当地价值的主导地位,使得边缘化甚至更换的潜力。在社会和文化背景下,他们有可能引发土着(本地)人民和国家被视为移民的公民之间的紧张关系。虽然紧张局势并不总是处于体力冲突的形式,例如在日惹,中国种族不满在颁布的日惹(DIY)No.K / 898 / A / 1975上的州长授予落地权限到非土着印度尼西亚公民的权利制定政策。本文旨在讨论与种族反歧视人权相关的移植成果的法律恢复性。具体而言,它解释了移植结果的立法是否成功地适应了迫使人权的条件,包括面对文化相对主义时。



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