首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Physical Instrumentation and Advanced Materials >Refractive index calculation study of collagen - chitosan - sodium hyaluronate using Mach-Zehnder interferometer for artificial cornea

Refractive index calculation study of collagen - chitosan - sodium hyaluronate using Mach-Zehnder interferometer for artificial cornea

机译:胶原蛋白 - 壳聚糖 - 透明质酸钠用Mach-Zehnder干涉仪进行折射率计算研究人工角膜



Corneal damage is a major cause of blindness worldwide. As reported by Rapid Assessment of Avoidable Blindness (RAAB) in 2013, Indonesia is facing a serious problem of cornea blindness with 966.326 patients of the 2 million population. Gold standard such as keratoplasty couldn't completely heal cornea injury due to the limited number of donors. Those concerns lead to the development of artificial corneal tissue which provides corneal function as a refraction medium. This research conducted to provide initial description of Collagen (crosslinked HMPC) - Chitosan - Sodium Hyaluronate (Col/HPMC-Chi-NaHA) as artificial cornea through refractive index calculation study. Membrane was synthesized by forming 20% w/v Collagen crosslinked HMPC, 10% w/v Chitosan, and 0.6% w/v NaHA. Refractive index calculation is done using the Mach-Zehnder Interferometer (MZI). A green laser with a wavelength of 532 nm was passed over the membrane placed on a glass slide to produce a bright-dark pattern. Using optical path length difference concepts, membrane refractive index was obtained. The membrane displays desirable refractive index properties for corneal tissue engineering applications with the value of refractive index of 1.499.
机译:角膜损坏是全球失明的主要原因。据2013年通过快速评估可避免的失明(RAAB),印度尼西亚面临着200万名人口的966.326名患者面临严重的角膜盲目问题。由于捐助者数量有限,黄金标准如角膜术等不能完全治愈角膜伤。这些担忧导致人工角膜组织的发展,其提供角膜函数作为折射介质。该研究通过折射率计算研究提供了作为人造角膜的胶原蛋白(交联HMPC) - 壳聚糖(Col / HPMC-Chi-Naha)的初始描述。通过形成20%w / v胶原交联的HMPC,10%w / v壳聚糖和0.6%w / v Naha来合成膜。使用Mach-Zehnder干涉仪(MZI)完成折射率计算。波长为532nm的绿色激光通过放置在玻璃载玻片上的膜上,以产生亮暗图案。使用光路长度差概念,获得膜折射率。该膜显示了角膜组织工程应用的理想折射率特性,其折射率为1.499。



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