首页> 外文会议>ICEEP 2012;International Conference on Energy and Environmental Protection >Hydro-geochemistry of deep aquifers in coal mines in northern Anhui Province, China: implications for water rock interaction and water source discrimination

Hydro-geochemistry of deep aquifers in coal mines in northern Anhui Province, China: implications for water rock interaction and water source discrimination

机译:中国北部煤矿深化稻米含水层 - 中国北部煤矿深化学 - 水土互动与水源歧视的影响



Thirty-eight groundwater samples from three deep seated aquifers (the Quaternary, the Coal bearing and the Taiyuan Fm aquifers) had been collected from three coal mines in northern Anhui Province, China for analyzing their major ions, and the statistical methods (correlation, cluster and discriminant analysis) had been processed for evaluating the source of ions and relationship between aquifers. The results suggest that: (1) the chemical signatures of the groundwater are mainly controlled by dissolution of plagioclase, K-feldspar and calcite; (2) the aquifers had been mixed with each other, especially the mixing between the Quaternary aquifer and the Taiyuan Fm aquifer. Discriminant analysis has produced two functions and a diagram, which can be used for water source discrimination.
机译:来自三个深层漂移的含水层(第四纪,煤炭轴承和太原FM含水层)的三十八个地下水样本已从安徽省北部的三个煤矿收集,用于分析其主要离子和统计方法(相关,集群 已经处理了评估离子来源和含水层之间的关系的判别分析。 结果表明:(1)地下水的化学特征主要是通过溶解Plagioclase,K-Feldspar和方解石的溶解来控制; (2)含水层彼此混合,特别是第四纪含水层和太原FM含水层之间的混合。 判别分析已经产生了两个功能和图表,可用于水源辨别。



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