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Error Field Modes in JET and COMPASS-D and Implications for ITER




1. Small m=2, n=1 resonant magnetic perturbations (RMP) are responsible at low electron density (ne) for the onset of locked magnetic islands in a tokamak plasma. These in turn lead usually to a disruption (70-80% disruptivity at JET). 2. Larger machines are more sensible to error fields and locked modes on ITER will be a major problem. 3. The sideband 1/1 and 3/1 fields play a significant role in the penetration of the 2/1 mode5. 4. JET and COMPASS-D, with their error field coils, are in a key position to investigate the physics of these modes and to give useful information for the scaling towards ITER.
机译:1.小M = 2,n = 1谐振磁性扰动(RMP)负责在Tokamak等离子体中的锁定磁岛上的低电子密度(NE)。 这些又导致通常在破坏(喷气机时的70-80%)。 2.较大的机器对错误字段更明智,并且锁定模式是磨练的主要问题。 3.边带1/1和3/1字段在2/1模式的渗透中发挥着重要作用。 4. JET和COMPARD-D与其误差场线圈处于关键位置,以调查这些模式的物理,并为其缩放到迭代的有用信息。



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