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Design of Form for Managing Green Line Canteen in PT. Infineon Technologies Batam

机译:PT中绿线汤中的形式设计。 英飞凌科技蝙蝠酱



Canteen is a place to a group to gathering to eat some food. Generally, some company have a canteens for all their employees, and some time there's available food that is come from caterers that have a cooperation contract with some company. In each order, clear, transparent, and up-to-date records are needed, so that there's no loss between the two parties during the cooperation. In recording, form is needed as a recording media for recording order, and some of procedure require needed. In this case, PT. Infineon Technologies Batam requires a form, for record all their data. This study describes the design of form that use for recording canteen data, terms of order, actual order, and also the presence of caterers. This research will produce a form to recording data and to manage green line canteen based on Microsoft Access, which provided clearly, transparent, and up-to-date records.
机译:食堂是一个群体的地方,聚集吃一些食物。 一般来说,一些公司为所有员工提供了一只食堂,一段时间有可用的食物来自与一些公司合作合作的餐饮服务方。 在每个订单中,需要清除,透明和最新的记录,因此双方在合作期间没有损失。 在录制中,需要表单作为用于记录顺序的记录介质,并且需要一些过程需要。 在这种情况下,pt。 英飞凌科技蝙蝠侠需要一种形式,用于记录所有数据。 本研究描述了用于记录食堂数据,订单条款,实际顺序以及饮食人的存在的形式的设计。 本研究将生成录制数据的表单,并根据Microsoft Access管理绿色线路食堂,这提供了清晰,透明和最新的记录。



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