
Mobility-Aware Latency-Efficient Cache Placement in Mobile Edge Networks




Future mobile services and applications are bounded by user location, data, and network. These services will suffer from poor support from wireless networks due to the huge amount of mobile traffic and user mobility. The demand for contents by these services results in constraints put on latency and quality of service (QoS). Considering these problems, researchers investigated caching contents locally and proactively at the edge of the mobile edge networks (MENs). In this work, we proposed new formulation of mobility-aware latency-efficient cache placement problem for mobile edge networks (MENs) taking into account different storage capacities, users mobility, content popularity, contact probability, and latency to download the contents to user terminals (UTs). Our formulated multi-objective optimization problem aims to maximize the cache hit rate. We apply weighted-sum decision theory approach to model the decision of placing contents at the edge of the network. Simulation results are shown to gain insight of the impact of different factors on our proposed system and and evaluated the results with three other cache placement techniques.



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