首页> 外文会议>International Seminar and Congress of Indonesian Soil Science Society >Carbon emission and sequestration on tin mined land: A case study in Bangka Belitung Province

Carbon emission and sequestration on tin mined land: A case study in Bangka Belitung Province




The research objective was to study emission rate and carbon sequestration in extin minimg land, with Bangka Belitung Province as the case site. Emission projections are carried out until 2040 based on historical emissions from 2000-2013. The results showed that in the period 2000 - 2013 there was an expansion of the tin mining area in the province covering an area of 22,642 ha, causing a decrease of 19,507,142 t of soil C stock and 10,056,896 t of plant C stock and emissions (sourced from plants only) of 36,908,808 t CO_2 eq. There are two scenarios we propose here to reduce emissions: Scenario 1, avoid the opening of primary forest, primary and secondary swamp forests, and reclaim 80% of the tin mined land area by planting perennial crops such as plantation/estate crops or industrial forest. Scenario 2, equals Scenario 1 plus a reduction in the rate of secondary forest clearing for various uses by 50%. Scenario 1 will potentially able to reduce emissions by 8% and carbon sequestration by 8,000,000 t CO_2 eq. and scenario 2 reduced emissions by 26.97% with carbon sequestration 32,500,000 t CO_2 eq.
机译:研究目的是在展示南卡贝利亚省案件现场研究横向最低土地的排放率和碳封存。根据2000-2013的历史排放,向2040年进行排放投影。结果表明,在2000年至2013年期间,省内锡矿区占地面积22,642公顷,导致土壤C库存减少19,507,142吨,植物C库存和排放量为10,056,896吨(采购)从植物中仅限于36,908,808 T CO_2 EQ。有两种方案我们在此提出减少排放:情景1,避免开启原发性森林,初级和次级沼泽森林,并通过种植种植园/遗产作物或工业森林等常年作物来重新开采80%的锡矿地区。场景2,等于方案1加上各种用途的二级森林清算率降低50%。情景1可能能够减少8%和碳封存的排放量8,000,000 T CO_2 EQ。和情景2减少排放量26.97%,碳封存32,500,000吨CO_2 eq。



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