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Analyzing Web Applications Quality Evolution




Software evolution is a well-established research topic, but not in the web applications area. Web projects are normally more complex than other software development projects because they have both server and client code, encompass a variety of programming languages, and are multidisciplinary. We aim to produce a catalog of web smells to help mitigating quality problems in web apps implementation, thus saving time and reducing cost. By means of longitudinal studies, we plan to analyze the impact of these web smells in web apps maintainability and reliability. This paper describes several particularities of the proposed research work, as well as introduce procedures and techniques to be used.
机译:软件演变是一个完善的研究主题,但不在Web应用程序区域。 Web项目通常比其他软件开发项目更复杂,因为它们具有服务器和客户端代码,包括各种编程语言,并且是多学科的。我们的目标是生成Web气味的目录,以帮助缓解Web应用程序实现中的质量问题,从而节省时间和降低成本。通过纵向研究,我们计划分析这些Web应用程序可维护性和可靠性中这些网上气味的影响。本文介绍了拟议的研究工作的几个特殊性,以及引入要使用的程序和技术。



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