首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Smart Solutions for Agriculture >Resistance to Diseases and Environmental Flexibility of Summer Rapeseed in Trans-Urals

Resistance to Diseases and Environmental Flexibility of Summer Rapeseed in Trans-Urals




The studies characterize the resistance and environmental flexibility of summer rapeseed breeds when cultivating in terms of nonfallow predecessors on fertilized and unfertilized ground in forest steppe of Trans-Urals. The following breeds demonstrated complex resistance to fusarial head blight and root rot depending on the watering conditions: Nadyozhniy 92 and SibNIIK 198. The yield of summer rapeseed breeds increased after mineral fertilization: for standard breed by 1.1 q/ha, for other breeds by 2.2-4.6 q/ha. The following breeds belong to the group of widely adaptive without mineral fertilization: Ratnik, Nadyozhniy 92 and SibNIIK 21,while on fertilized ground breeds Nadyozhniy 92 and SibNIIK 21 were characterized as highly environmentally flexible. The yield of crude fat and cake of Ratnik breed amounted to 764.4 and 1217.1 kg/ha, respectively. The yield of fat and cake for other breeds reduced to 575.5 kg and 866.3 kg, correspondingly. The content of erucic acid in the oil of the majority of breeds remained exceptionally low, from 0.10 to 0.13%, while the content of glucos-inolates altered for different breeds from 15.68 to 27.61 μmol/g of oil cake.
机译:这些研究表征了夏季油菜籽品种的抗性和环境灵活性在跨国紫罗兰森林干草原的施肥和未受精地面上的非降级前任培养时。以下品种对融合条件的抗性和根腐态显示了复杂的抗性:Nadyozhniy 92和Sibniik 198.矿物施肥后夏季油菜籽品种的产量增加:标准品种1.1 Q / HA,其他品种均为2.2 -4.6 q / ha。以下品种属于无矿物施肥的广泛适应性:Ratnik,Nadyozhniy 92和Sibniik 21,而在受精地NaDyozhniy 92和Sibniik 21的同时表征高度环境柔性。 Ratnik品种粗脂肪和饼的产量分别为764.4和1217.1 kg / ha。相应地,其他品种的脂肪和蛋糕的产量减少至575.5千克和866.3千克。大多数品种油中的芥酸含量特别低,从0.10到0.13%,而葡萄糖族的含量改变了15.68至27.61μmol/ g油饼的不同品种。



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