首页> 外文会议>International Scientific-Practical Conference on Business Cooperation >Legal regulation of transactions in the digital environment as a condition for effective business cooperation

Legal regulation of transactions in the digital environment as a condition for effective business cooperation




The article is devoted to current issues of the digital economy. The scientific development of digital rights and transactions in the digital space is in line with the priority policy of the development of the information society and the digital economy, is a factor of a steady business cooperation, including international, and this determines the relevance of the topic of the article. Based on the analysis of the norms of international, Russian and foreign law, certain areas of the digital economy in civilian circulation have been analyzed, problems have been identified and proposals have been developed for their solution by organizational and legal means. The study of international experience allows for the conclusion of ever-increasing importance of transactions made in electronic form. In the civil legislation of Russia, the regulation on making transactions in electronic form has been approved: a transaction can be concluded by electronic means and it can be executed through the use of information technology without the additional will of the parties. These adjustments guarantee distribution mechanisms requested by practice in the digital environment. The analysis of the issues of the digital economy in Russia has revealed a number of problems: the lack of the concept of the development of the digital economy and a unified approach to the understanding of digital rights; digital inequality, and insufficient norm regulation of transactions in the digital environment. The following measures are advisable to solve problems: developing a unified conceptual approach to the digital economy and digital rights; specification of norms on transactions in the digital environment; overcoming digital inequality, in particular by providing the rural area with the Internet. To protect digital transactions, it is possible to introduce the refusal of the parties from auto payment in the event of improper execution of the contract, balancing the interests of the parties. The results of the study are the proposals for the organizational and legal support of the realization of digital rights and transactions in the digital environment, which will help to solve the tasks of the society and the state.



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