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Behavioral Norms in Consumers'World of Power: When and Why Shame and Guilt Increase Compliance




The online world has provided consumers with a unique chance of being heard.Social media and online reviews provide an opportunity for consumers to easily communicate their thoughts and attitudes towards a firm's services,products and behavior.This is only one of the factors contributing to a shift in the power dynamics in the marketplace in favor of consumers.Unfortunately,consumers sometimes capitalize and leverage their online power in unethical ways.The undesirable consumer behavior ranges from something as mundane as excessive merchandise returns(Dennis 2018)to behavior as outrageous as review blackmail(Blumentha 2015;Payne 2014).Regardless of the extremity of such behavior,they pose a threat to businesses.The significance of this issue becomes evident when we live in a world where online reviews and reputation can make or break a business and this reputation is at the mercy of consumers.Small and new businesses are particularly vulnerable to consumer power misuse as they do not possess the resources or established reputation to buffer the costs associated with instances of consumer unethical behavior.In the current study we explore the following question: How can businesses discourage consumers from engaging in unethical behavior without compromising attitudes toward the business?
机译:在线世界为消费者提供了独特的录音机会。社会媒体和在线评论为消费者提供了机会,可以轻松地传达他们对公司的服务,产品和行为的思想和态度。这只是贡献的一个因素之一在市场中的电力动力学转变为消费者。不幸的是,消费者有时以不道德的方式利用他们的在线力量。不良消费者行为的范围是平凡的,作为过度的商品返回(Dennis 2018)作为审查的行为是令人愤慨的行为Blackmail(Blumentha 2015; Payne 2014)。重新出现这种行为的极端,他们对企业构成威胁。当我们生活在一个在线评论和声誉可以制造或打破业务的世界时,这个问题的意义变得明显声誉是消费者的怜悯。商人和新的企业特别容易受到消费者权力滥用的影响,因为他们没有p oSsess资源或建立的声誉缓冲了与消费者的情况不道德行为相关的成本。目前的研究我们探讨了以下问题:企业如何阻止消费者从未损害对业务的态度来吸引不道德的行为?



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