首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Engineering Management, Engineering Education and Information Technology >Discussion on the main problems existing in the idea of running a university in China - Based on the analysis of California Institute of Technology

Discussion on the main problems existing in the idea of running a university in China - Based on the analysis of California Institute of Technology

机译:论中国贯穿中国大学思想的主要问题 - 基于加州工业大学学报(自然科学版)



the idea of running a university refers to where a university goes in essence, which is the soul of the development of university. The article will sketch out the idea of California Institute of Technology which is a success in its small but excellent higher education by case analysis. The core element will be penetrated into on the process of becoming the first-rank around the world, and then reflects problems existing in China's ideas. For example, pursuit larger scale, pay more attention to get into politics and becomes superficial.
机译:运行大学的想法是指大学的本质上,这是大学发展的灵魂。 这篇文章将阐述加州技术研究所的想法,这在其小小的教育中取得了成功,以案例分析。 核心元素将被渗透到世界各地的第一级的过程中,然后反映中国思想存在的问题。 例如,追求更大的规模,更加注重陷入政治,变得肤浅。



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