首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Modern Engineering Solutions for the Industry >Top 10 key risk factors of G group e-business project implementation are analyzed with interpretative structural model

Top 10 key risk factors of G group e-business project implementation are analyzed with interpretative structural model




The top 10 risk factors of G group e-business project implementation are analyzed with interpretative structural model: there are lack of professional e-business talent, unclear enterprise e-business strategy, internal coordination is not in place, selection of scheme is not suitable for actual situation of enterprises, corporate culture restrictions, insufficient network marketing capabilities, not really understand the intent of the leadership, risk of industry development trends, credit risk, imperfect logistics and distribution system, and its interpretative structural model is established. The result illustrates that the relationship among the top 10 risk factors of G group e-business project implementation is interactive, the root risks are corporate culture restrictions and not really understand the intent of the leadership, the most critical factors are lack of professional e-business talent and unclear enterprise e-business strategy which affect G group e-business project implementation success or failure. We hope that the research will be enlightenment for G group e-business project implementation.



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