首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Modern Engineering Solutions for the Industry >Industrialization of geological data information services

Industrialization of geological data information services




Geological database information resources are an important form of geological work. Enormous potential value of the information has not been fully realized. Promote geological data information services cluster industrialization of traditional geological data information services concepts and methods of major change, geological work will help to extend the industrial chain, improve public service capacity geological results and avoid duplication of effort put into geology. Mineral resources economics research, information resource management, cybernetics theory, analysis of geological data and information services industry cluster connotation and basic features are used. First, the status of the analysis of geological data and information services, information services and geological data gathering industry practice of the pilot were described, and then proposed geological data information service industrial clusters safeguard.
机译:地质数据库信息资源是地质工作的重要形式。 信息的巨大潜在价值尚未完全实现。 促进地质数据信息服务集群产业化传统地质数据信息服务的概念和方法的重大变化,地质作品将有助于扩大产业链,提高公共服务能力地质结果,避免重复投入地质的努力。 矿产资源经济学研究,信息资源管理,控制论理论,地质数据和信息服务行业的分析,使用群集内涵和基本功能。 首先,描述了地质数据和信息服务分析,信息服务和地质数据收集行业实践的试验,然后提出了地质数据信息服务业工业集群保障。



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