首页> 外文会议>International Conference Tradition and Reform, Social Reconstruction of Europe. >The Image of the Cartoon Character in the European Area Title

The Image of the Cartoon Character in the European Area Title




This paper analyzes the specificity of the European comic compared to the Asian and the American ones. The principal aim of our approach is to detach from this analysis some interpretative elements that highlight European cultural identity. The set of behaviors and values that are transposed artistically in the action of comics (BD) - which are then included in the action of the cinematography - do not speak about a common feature throughout the European space. The image of the character who becomes a hero in comics is much more complex and can not be framed only in a global sociological statistics. The dynamics of this image is linked to a foundation that supports aspects that are related to the national spirit, the national group or individualism, tradition, religion, or in some cases, this image is only a cultural imitation, as is the case of BD in Romania.
机译:本文分析与亚洲和美国人相比欧洲漫画的特殊性。我们的方法的主要目标是从该分析分析一些突出欧洲文化认同的解释性要素。在漫画(BD)行动中逐字转换的行为和值 - 然后包括在电影摄影的动作中 - 不要在欧洲空间中谈论共同的特征。在漫画中成为英雄的角色的形象更复杂,不能在全球社会学统计中陷害。此形象的动态与支持与国家精神,国家或个人主义,传统,宗教或在某些情况下相关的方面的基础相关联,这一形象只是一个文化模仿,就像BD的情况一样在罗马尼亚。



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