首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Integration of Knowledge Intensive Multi-agent Systems >AKTiveSA: Supporting Civil-Military Information Integration in Military Operations Other than War

AKTiveSA: Supporting Civil-Military Information Integration in Military Operations Other than War




The ability to integrate information from a variety of sources is a key ingredient of enhanced situation awareness in both conflict and non-conflict situations. Information integration is particularly important in Military Operations Other Than War (MOOTW) contexts because the range of relevant information sources is considerably more diverse than that seen in more conventional war-fighting operations. In this paper we provide an overview of a technical demonstrator system (the AKTiveSA TDS), which was developed as part of the UK MoD's Defence Technology Centre (DTC) initiative. The demonstrator combines a variety of semantic technologies with advanced modes of visualization and interaction in order to highlight how extant Semantic Web technologies can be used to improve situation awareness and facilitate information integration in a simulated humanitarian relief scenario.
机译:从各种来源整合信息的能力是冲突和非冲突情况的增强局势意识的关键因素。信息集成在战争(MOITW)背景以外的军事行动中尤为重要,因为相关信息来源的范围比在更传统的战争行动中看到的相当多样化。在本文中,我们提供了技术示范系统(AKTIVESA TDS)的概述,该系统是英国MOD防御技术中心(DTC)倡议的一部分开发的。该示威者将各种语义技术与先进的可视化和互动模式相结合,以突出现时的语义网络技术如何用于改善情况意识和促进模拟人道主义救济情景中的信息集成。



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