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Personal exposure monitoring of airborne particulate using a low-cost sensor




According to the World Health Organization (WHO, 2014 and 2016), 3.8 million deaths per year are caused by household air pollution from indoor biomass burning (cooking, heating) and 4.2 million deaths per year are directly attributable to ambient air pollution. National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) have been promulgated in the US since the 1970s in order to protect health. The standards rely on a network of gas-phase (e.g., O3 and SO2) and particulate (PM2.5 and PM10) monitors that are fixed in location. While appropriate for ascertaining whether states are compliant with the NAAQS, fixed monitors do not necessarily adequately capture human exposure to air pollution, which occurs indoors and outdoors. The purpose of this study is to assess personal exposure to indoor and outdoor PM using a low-cost measurement device known as the DustDuino, which consists primarily of a dust sensor (Plantower #3003) that counts particles using an infrared light and photodiode, and an Arduino Uno microcontroller. In addition to measuring particulate exposures in all of the environments in which people spend time, the study also incorporated time-based activity data (trip diaries) and GPS information in order to provide a more complete picture of short-term PM concentrations and exposures. This works suggests that acute exposure to high concentrations of PM2.5 does not cause immediate lung function decline, whereas long-term chronic exposure can lead to respiratory illness. In addition, the concentration of PM2.5 exposure was roughly 50% higher during times of cooking than on the interstate near downtown Atlanta, Georgia.
机译:根据世界卫生组织(WHO,2014年和2016年)的数据,每年有380万人死于室内生物质燃烧(烹饪、取暖)造成的家庭空气污染,420万人死于环境空气污染。自20世纪70年代以来,美国颁布了国家环境空气质量标准(NAAQS),以保护健康。这些标准依赖于固定在现场的气相(如O3和SO2)和颗粒物(PM2.5和PM10)监测器网络。虽然固定监测器适用于确定各州是否符合NAAQS,但不一定能充分捕捉人体暴露在室内和室外的空气污染。本研究的目的是使用一种称为DustDuino的低成本测量设备评估个人对室内外PM的暴露,该设备主要由一个灰尘传感器(Plantower#3003)和一个Arduino Uno微控制器组成,该传感器使用红外光和光电二极管对颗粒进行计数。除了测量人们所处的所有环境中的颗粒物暴露外,该研究还结合了基于时间的活动数据(旅行日志)和GPS信息,以提供更完整的短期PM浓度和暴露情况。这项研究表明,急性暴露于高浓度的PM2。5不会立即导致肺功能下降,而长期慢性暴露可导致呼吸系统疾病。此外,PM2的浓度。5烹饪期间的暴露量比乔治亚州亚特兰大市中心附近的州际公路高出约50%。



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