首页> 外文会议>Annual Conference on Civic Education >The Local Wisdom Values of Custom Society in Cisitu Lebak Banten in Effort to Build Nation Character: Ethnographic Studies in Custom Communities of Cisitu Lebak Banten

The Local Wisdom Values of Custom Society in Cisitu Lebak Banten in Effort to Build Nation Character: Ethnographic Studies in Custom Communities of Cisitu Lebak Banten

机译:Cisitu Lebak Banten的定制社会的当地智慧价值在努力建立民族特色:Cisitu Lebak Banten的定制社区中的民族志研究



Sundanese culture has certain characteristic that distinguish with the other culture, it is known as religious society. In the Sundanese culture the magical balance (in the science of customary law called religious magic) is maintained by performing traditional ceremonies, while the social balance of the Sundanese is done by mutual cooperation. One of Sundanese culture that still hold out is the tradition of custom ceremony "Seren Taun" in Custom Community of Cisitu Lebak Banten. This ritual is one example of wisdom local from the custom part, within there are many kinds activities that content with positive value such as: Ngarasul, Pongokan, Ngalaukan and Balik Taun. The traditions content with positive nation's characters. This article discusses about The Local Wisdom Values of Custom Society in Cisitu Lebak Banten In Effort to build the character of nation. This problem attracts our attention to do the scientific research. The research methodology that we used is qualitative method by ethnographic studies. The research has been done found that the Series of Process Serentaun Ritual Custom Ceremony have many kind community activities which content of the local wisdom values that harmonize with the values of Indonesian national's characters especially Five Major Characters in implementation of Reinforcement Character Education that has been planned by our government in The Movement of Mental Revolution, they are: Religious, nationalist, Independent, Mutual Cooperation and Integrity.
机译:阳光文化有一定的特征,区分其他文化,它被称为宗教社会。在晒日教文化中,通过表演传统仪式来维持阳光的平衡(习惯法的科学,称为宗教魔法),而孙丹人的社会平衡是通过相互合作所做的。仍然坚持的孙丹文化之一是Cisitu Lebak Banten定制社区定制仪式“Seren Taun”的传统。这种仪式是自定义部分的智慧的一个例子,内部有许多活动,内容具有正价值,如:牛勒,Pongokan,Ngalaukan和Balik Taun。传统的内容与积极的国家的角色。本文讨论了Cisitu Lebak Banten的定制社会当地智慧价值,努力建立民族的性格。这个问题吸引了我们对科学研究的关注。我们使用的研究方法是民族教学研究的定性方法。该研究已经完成了,该系列过程Serentaun仪式定制仪式具有许多良好的社区活动,这些活动的内容与印度尼西亚国家人物的价值相协调,特别是在实施策划的强化性质教育中的五个主要人物由我们政府在心理革命运动中,他们是:宗教,民族主义,独立,合作和诚信。



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