首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Construction, Architecture and Technosphere Safety >M.A.Genendlis - forgotten decorator(from history of development of fine art in city of Khabarovsk 30-50s of the twentieth century)

M.A.Genendlis - forgotten decorator(from history of development of fine art in city of Khabarovsk 30-50s of the twentieth century)

机译:M.A.GENENDLIS - 被遗忘的装饰师(来自二十世纪的凯哈拉夫斯克市30-50岁的美术历史上)



The article is based on the study of a previously unknown archive of works and photographs of the artist M.A.Genendlis.Some facts from the biography of the artist are provided.The information on the history of the development of theatrical,decorative-design art of the Far East is being revealed.These facts are unknown not only to the general public,but also to specialists.The article substantiates the attribution of some works on the design of public buildings known in Khabarovsk and the region,the authorship of which was not documented and lost over time.The authors reveal a wide range of areas of work of M.A.Genendlis.All of his creative works are published for the first time.
机译:本文基于对艺术家Magenendlis的艺术家工作和照片的研究。提供了艺术家传记的一些事实。有关戏剧,装饰设计艺术的发展史的信息 远东正在揭晓。这一事实不仅是公众,而且对专家而言。文章证实了一些作品对哈巴罗夫斯克和该地区的公共建筑设计的归因,其作者没有记录 随着时间的推移丢失了。作者揭示了Magenendlis的各种各样的工作领域。他的创意作品首次出版。



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