首页> 外文会议>American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Annual International Meeting >Research on Kinematics of Male Parent Panicle of Hybrid RiceAffected by Airflow

Research on Kinematics of Male Parent Panicle of Hybrid RiceAffected by Airflow




In the pneumatic pollination process of hybrid rice, pollen's leaving the stamen of the male parent flower is affected by kinematic characteristics of the male parent panicle. Therefore, it is of great significance to study the kinematic characteristics of the male parent panicle. To study kinematic characteristics of the male parent panicle of hybrid rice, an air blowing platform of male parent panicle's movement is designed, including DC-motor, driver, DC-fan, wind speed sensor, height adjustment system and self-made pollination components, and at the same time, images of the male parent plants with different verticality affected by different airflow velocities and positions are captured using high-speed camera technology. As well, the displacement, velocity and acceleration parameters of spike motion under different motion conditions are obtained by using the image processing software to obtain the most favorable parameters for pollen separation. As results show, the airflow velocity has the most obvious influence on the panicle movement characteristics of hybrid rice, and therefore, it is the primary influencing factor. When the airflow velocity remains in 21 m/s, the velocity, acceleration and displacement of the male parent panicle of hybridrice under the action of airflow can reach the maximum; In general, when the airflow action position is the middle part of the panicle, it is more conducive to the movement ofpanicle and to the pollen separation.



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