首页> 外文会议>American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Annual International Meeting >Estimation of surface Evapotranspiration in Daxing District based on SEBS model validated by Large Aperture Scintillator

Estimation of surface Evapotranspiration in Daxing District based on SEBS model validated by Large Aperture Scintillator




Evapotranspiration is the main process of water and energy exchange in the hydrosphere, atmosphere and biosphere, and it is also one of the most important components in water cycle. The application of remote sensing technology makes it possible to estimate evapotranspiration at regional scale. Many models have emerged to accurately retrieve evapotranspiration and surface fluxes at different spatial and temporal scales in order to better serve the research and application in related fields. In this study, the temporal and spatial variations of surface energy and evapotranspiration in Daxing District from March to May in 2014 and 2015 (the main growth period of winter wheat) were analyzed using MODIS image and surface energy balance model (SEBS) basedon physical processes at the pixel scale of 1 000 m, combined with local meteorological data and ground observation data. The daily evapotranspiration simulated by SEBS model and measured by large aperture scintillator were validated. The results showedthaUl) Verification of SEBS model inversion results by large aperture scintillator method, the standard errors between the estimated values of SEBS model and the observed values of large aperture scintillator were less than 10% (4% and 9%). The root mean square errors were 2.40 mm/d and 1.26 mm/d, respectively, which have good fitting results (R2=0.8511 and 0.8348), it showed that the method was reasonable and feasible in the study area. 2) Overall, The daily average evapotranspiration of winter wheatin Daxing District in 2014 and 2015 showed a trend of ETaiay > ETAprii> ETMarch, and reached its peak in late May. The average values were 3.82 mm/d and 3.14 mm/d, the maximum values were 6.59 mm/d, 5.57 mm/d, and the minimum values were 1.55 mm/d and 1.36 mm/d, respectively.3) The distribution of evapotranspiration in the study area was highly consistent with that of land use types. The spatial variation trend of daily evapotranspiration was as follows: ETcemrai> ETweatrn> ETEastem.The results can provide scientific reference for the rational allocation and management of water resources in Daxing District of Beijing.
机译:蒸散是水层,大气和生物圈中水和能量交换的主要过程,它也是水循环中最重要的组成部分之一。遥感技术的应用使得可以在区域规模上估算蒸发。已经出现了许多模型,以准确地检索不同的空间和时间尺度的蒸发和表面通量,以便更好地为相关领域的研究和应用服务。在这项研究中,使用Modis图像和表面能量平衡模型(SEBS)基于物理过程,分析了2014年3月至2015年3月至2015年3月至2015年3月至2015年3月至2015年5月(冬小麦的主要增长期)的时间和空间变化在1000米的像素刻度,与局部气象数据和地面观察数据相结合。通过SEBS模型模拟并通过大型孔径闪烁器测量的每日蒸发蒸腾。结果表明,通过大孔径闪烁体方法验证SEBS模型反演,SEBS模型估计值与观测值的大孔径闪烁器之间的标准误差小于10%(4%和9%)。均方根误差分别为2.40mm / d和1.26mm / d,具有良好的拟合结果(R2 = 0.8511和0.8348),它表明该方法在研究区内合理且可行。 2)总体而言,2014年和2015年冬季麦蛋白大兴区的日平均蒸散量显示了Etaiay> etaprii> etmarch的趋势,并在5月底达到了高峰。平均值为3.82mm / d和3.14mm / d,最大值为6.59 mm / d,5.57 mm / d,最小值分别为1.55 mm / d,分别为1.36 mm / d。研究区域的蒸散蒸腾与土地使用类型的高度一致。每日蒸散的空间变异趋势如下:etwemrai> etweatrn> etwem。结果可以为北京大兴区的水资源合理分配和管理提供科学参考。



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