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Developing a High Precision Cotton Boll Counting SystemUsing Active Sensing




Different sensing technologies, such as laser scanning or stereoscopic reconstruction, were introduced for 3D imaging of plants in field conditions. Because of the limitations of imaging technologies, capturing images from an appropriate distance canprovide better resolutions. Traditionally, most studies have used fixed sensors on unmanned mobile platforms, and then automatically guided the scan through the field to capture images. Since the range of unmanned mobile platforms in the field is often limited by plants, it is difficult to maintain the quality of captured images. Thus, an active sensing technique is necessary to ensure the quality of the captured images. In this study, a Kinect v2 sensor was mounted on a robotic arm with 6DOF to captureimages around cotton plants. Both color and depth images were captured by Kinect. A deep learning model was used to detect cotton bolls from color images with a bounding box. Next, the detected bounding boxes were used to segment point clouds and estimate the position of the detected cotton boll. All estimated positions were then transferred to world coordinates to remove duplicates with a threshold of distance. Last, the number of cotton bolls was counted, and it was determined that the accuracy of this system can reach 95.56%.
机译:引入了不同传感技术,例如激光扫描或立体重建,用于现场条件下的植物的3D成像。由于成像技术的局限性,从适当的距离可以捕获图像更好的分辨率。传统上,大多数研究在无人移动平台上使用了固定传感器,然后自动引导扫描通过现场捕获图像。由于该领域中的无人移动平台的范围通常受工厂的限制,因此难以保持捕获图像的质量。因此,需要一种有效的感测技术来确保捕获的图像的质量。在本研究中,Kinect V2传感器安装在机器人臂上,以6dof到棉花植物周围的CaptureImages。通过Kinect捕获颜色和深度图像。深入学习模型用于用边界盒中的彩色图像检测棉花棉铃。接下来,使用检测到的边界盒用于分段云并估计检测到的棉铃的位置。然后将所有估计的位置转移到世界坐标以除去距离阈值的重复项。最后,计算棉铃的数量,确定该系统的准确性达到95.56%。



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