首页> 外文会议>SPIE Smart Structures + Nondestructive Evaluation Conference >Infrared thermography application for analyses of internal structure damage due to moisture and temperature inuence

Infrared thermography application for analyses of internal structure damage due to moisture and temperature inuence




Advanced composite materials have gained popularity in high-performance structural designs applications (likeaircraft, yachts, wind turbine blades) that require lightweight components with superior mechanical properties inorder to perform in demanding service conditions as well as provide energy e ciency and safety to mankind andnature. Due to high safety requirements related to the objects structural health monitoring systems based onfiber optics techniques are recently widely applied. One of the problems that can inuence on material durabilityis moisture introduced into element structure during its manufacturing or exploitation processes. Moisturechanges material characteristics, affect element durability and can be a damage origin especially during exposureon negative temperature inuence (resulting in burst or ripping of an element).One of the non-destructive techniques that can be applied for evaluation of the internal structure of compositematerials (like glass and/ or carbon fiber reinforced polymers) is infrared thermography (pulse and/ orvibrothermography). The methods can be used for identification of material structural disintegration that resultsin changes in the behavior of temperature field changes.The paper presents an application of infrared thermography (vibrothermography) for inspection of composite(glass fiber reinforced polymers) sample internal structure. The method will be used for detection, localization,and determination of the size of internal damage due to the inuence of moisture introduced into materialstructure and exposure on negative temperature inuence. During analysis, the limitations of the proposedmethod will be determined.



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